What is the partial pressure of the product related to the total pressure for a constant volume system? (Where pR is the partial pressure of the product, pR0 is the initial partial pressure of the product, P is the total pressure, P0 is the initial pressure of reaction mixture, r is the stoichiometry of the product and ∆n is the difference between the number of moles of the product and the number of moles of the reactant)
(a) pR = \(\frac{r}{∆n}\) (P – P0)
(b) pR = pR0 – \(\frac{r}{∆n}\) (P – P0)
(c) pR = pR0 + (P – P0)
(d) pR = pR0 + \(\frac{r}{∆n}\) (P – P0)
This question was addressed to me during an online interview.
I'd like to ask this question from Stoichiometry in chapter Rate Laws and Stoichiometry of Chemical Reaction Engineering