Which, among the following is the correct expression for star-delta conversion?
(a) R1=Ra*Rb/(Ra+Rb+Rc), R2=Rb*Rc/(Ra+Rb+Rc), R3=Rc*Ra/(Ra+Rb+Rc)b)
(b) R1=Ra/(Ra+Rb+Rc), R2=Rb/(Ra+Rb+Rc), Rc=/(Ra+Rb+Rc)
(c) R1=Ra+Rb+Ra*Rb/Rc, R2=Rc+Rb+Rc*Rb/Ra, R3=Ra+Rc+Ra*Rc/Rb
(d) R1=Ra*Rb/Rc, R2=Rc*Rb/Ra, R3=Ra*Rc/Rb
This question was posed to me in an online interview.
I'm obligated to ask this question of Star Delta Transformation topic in division Network Theorems of Basic Electrical Engineering