Which of the following a transfer function of High frequency emphasis {Hhfe(u, v)} for Hhp(u, v) being the highpass filtered version of image?
(a) Hhfe(u, v) = 1 – Hhp(u, v)
(b) Hhfe(u, v) = a – Hhp(u, v), a≥0
(c) Hhfe(u, v) = 1 – b Hhp(u, v), a≥0 and b>a
(d) Hhfe(u, v) = a + b Hhp(u, v), a≥0 and b>a
I have been asked this question during an interview.
This question is from Unsharp Masking, High-boost filtering and Emphasis Filtering topic in section Intensity Transformations and Spatial Filtering of Digital Image Processing