The correct answer is (d) \(\frac{1}{M}(1-z^{-M} e^{j2πα})\)
Easy explanation: The system function H(z) which is characterized by the set of frequency samples is obtained as
H(z)=\(\frac{1}{M}(1-z^{-M} e^{j2πα})\sum_{k=0}^{M-1}\frac{H(k+α)}{1-e^{j2π(k+α)/M} z^{-1}}\)
We view this FIR realization as a cascade of two filters, H(z)=H1(z).H2(z)
Here H1(z) represents the all-zero filter or comb filter whose system function is given by the equation
H1(z)=\(\frac{1}{M}(1-z^{-M} e^{j2πα})\).