The correct relationship between the molar mass (MMM) of a gas, its density (ddd), temperature (TTT), and pressure (PPP) is given by:
(a) M=dRTPM = \frac{dRT}{P}M=PdRT
This equation is derived from the ideal gas law:
- PPP = pressure,
- VVV = volume,
- nnn = number of moles,
- RRR = universal gas constant,
- TTT = temperature.
Using the definition of molar mass MMM and density ddd:
- Number of moles, n=massMn = \frac{\text{mass}}{M}n=Mmass,
- Density, d=massVd = \frac{\text{mass}}{V}d=Vmass.
Substitute n=dVMn = \frac{dV}{M}n=MdV into the ideal gas law:
P⋅V=d⋅VM⋅R⋅TP \cdot V = \frac{d \cdot V}{M} \cdot R \cdot TP⋅V=Md⋅V⋅R⋅T
Cancel VVV from both sides:
P=dRTMP = \frac{dRT}{M}P=MdRT
Rearranging for MMM:
M=dRTPM = \frac{dRT}{P}M=PdRT
Thus, the correct answer is (a).
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