Correct answer is (c) w=2v
Easy explanation: The momentum equation for the rotor in climb condition is given by:
T=\(\dot {m}\)(V+w)-\(\dot {m}\)V=\(\dot {m}\)w
And the energy equation for climb condition rotor is given by:
T(V+v)=\(\frac {1}{2}\dot {m}\)(V+w)^2–\(\frac {1}{2}\dot {m}\)(V)^2=\(\frac {1}{2}\dot {m}\)w(w+2V)
On rearranging and eliminating T/\(\dot {m}\) term, we get w=2v which is similar to the condition for hovering helicopter. Thus, the induced velocity in the wake region is twice that of the velocity at the rotor disk.