Correct answer is (d) \(\frac{1}{1-2acosω+a^2}\)
Explanation: Since |a|<1, the sequence x(n) is absolutely summable, as can be verified by applying the geometric summation formula.
\(\sum_{n=-∞}^∞|x(n)| = \sum_{n=-∞}^∞ |a|^n = \frac{1}{1-|a|} \lt ∞\)
Hence the Fourier transform of x(n) exists and is obtained as
X(ω) = \(\sum_{n=-∞}^∞ a^n e^{-jωn}=\sum_{n=-∞}^∞ (ae^{-jω})^n\)
Since |ae^-jω|=|a|<1, use of the geometric summation formula again yields
The energy density spectrum is given by
Sxx(ω)=|X(ω)|^2= X(ω).X*(ω)=\(\frac{1}{(1-ae^{-jω})(1-ae^{jω})} = \frac{1}{1-2acosω+a^2}\).