In Maxwell’s capacitance bridge for calculating unknown inductance, the various values at balance are, R1 = 300 Ω, R2 = 700 Ω, R3 = 1500 Ω, C4 = 0.8 μF. The values of R1, L1 and Q factor, if the frequency is 1100 Hz are ____________
(a) 240 Ω, 0.12 H, 3.14
(b) 140 Ω, 0.168 H, 8.29
(c) 140 Ω, 0.12 H, 5.92
(d) 240 Ω, 0.36 H, 8.29
I got this question by my college director while I was bunking the class.
Enquiry is from Problems Involving Coupling Coefficient topic in division Resonance & Magnetically Coupled Circuit of Network Theory