If x(n)=xR(n)+jxI(n) is a complex sequence whose Fourier transform is given as X(ω)=XR(ω)+jXI(ω), then what is the value of XR(ω)?
(a) \(\sum_{n=0}^∞\)xR (n)cosωn-xI (n)sinωn
(b) \(\sum_{n=0}^∞\)xR (n)cosωn+xI (n)sinωn
(c) \(\sum_{n=-∞}^∞\)xR (n)cosωn+xI (n)sinωn
(d) \(\sum_{n=-∞}^∞\)xR (n)cosωn-xI (n)sinωn
This question was addressed to me in an international level competition.
I would like to ask this question from Properties of Fourier Transform for Discrete Time Signals in chapter Frequency Analysis of Signals and Systems of Digital Signal Processing