The correct choice is (d) 1202313
For explanation I would say: Expanding sinh(x) into a taylor series we have
On multiplication we get two series with odd exponents and one series with even exponent. The series with odd exponents are the only ones to contribute to the derivative at x=0
Hence it is enough to compute the derivative at for the following function
Taking the 1097^thderivative of this function, we have
f^(1097)(x)=\((1097)!(\frac{1}{(1097)!}+\frac{1}{(1095)!})+(1099\times 1098…4\times 3)x^2(\frac{1}{(1097)!}+\frac{1}{(1097)!})+…\infty\)
Substituting x=0 we have